Grilled King Island Crayfish with Saltbush Butter Recipe – Australian Special

Grilled King Island Crayfish with Saltbush Butter is a luxurious and flavorful dish that highlights the pristine taste of Australian crayfish. Known for its sweet and delicate meat, King Island crayfish is simply grilled to perfection and complemented by a rich, aromatic saltbush butter. This recipe captures the essence of fine dining with minimal effort, making it perfect for a special occasion or an elegant seafood feast.

  • Prep Time15 min
  • Cook Time15 min
  • Total Time30 min

For the Crayfish:

  • 2 whole King Island crayfish (about 500-700g each)
  • Olive oil, for brushing
  • Lemon wedges, for serving
  • Fresh herbs (like parsley or chives), for garnish (optional)

For the Saltbush Butter:

  • 100g (about 3.5 oz) unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons dried saltbush leaves (or 1 tablespoon fresh saltbush, finely chopped, if available)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste

How to make Grilled King Island Crayfish with Saltbush Butter:


Prepare the Saltbush Butter: In a bowl, combine the softened butter, dried saltbush leaves (or fresh saltbush if using), lemon juice, minced garlic, salt, and black pepper.


Mix well until all ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. Set aside.


Prepare the Crayfish: Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.


Carefully split the crayfish in half lengthwise using a sharp knife or kitchen shears. Remove the intestinal tract and any other inedible parts.


Brush the flesh of the crayfish with olive oil to prevent sticking and enhance grilling.


Grill the Crayfish: Place the crayfish halves on the grill, flesh side down. Grill for 5-7 minutes, or until you see grill marks and the flesh starts to turn opaque.


Flip the crayfish halves over and cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until the flesh is cooked through and slightly caramelized. The internal temperature should reach 60°C (140°F).


Add the Saltbush Butter: During the last 2 minutes of grilling, place small dollops of saltbush butter on top of the crayfish halves, allowing it to melt and infuse into the meat.


Alternatively, you can melt the butter and brush it onto the crayfish just before serving.


Serve: Remove the crayfish from the grill and transfer to a serving platter.


Garnish with lemon wedges and fresh herbs if desired.


Serve immediately, enjoying the succulent crayfish with the flavorful saltbush butter.

Recipe Notes:

Crayfish Freshness: Ensure the crayfish is fresh for the best flavor and texture. If using frozen crayfish, thaw it completely and pat dry before grilling.

Saltbush Substitution: If dried saltbush is not available, you can use dried oregano or thyme as an alternative, though it will alter the flavor slightly.

Grilling Temperature: Keep an eye on the crayfish while grilling to avoid overcooking. The meat should be firm and opaque but still moist.

Butter Storage: Any leftover saltbush butter can be refrigerated for up to a week or frozen for future use.