Scallion Pancakes (Green Onion Cakes) Recipe – Asian Special

These Scallion Pancakes use butter instead of lard, resulting in a flaky, crispy texture with a delightful salty flavor that’s utterly irresistible. Remember to allow some time for the dough to rest. Serve them right after frying for maximum enjoyment and see how quickly they vanish.
  • Prep Time1 hr
  • Cook Time20 min
  • Total Time1 hr 20 min

Scallion Pancakes (Green Onion Cakes) Ingredients:

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 6 tablespoons salted butter, softened
  • 6 tablespoons chopped green onions
  • Table salt
  • Oil for frying

How to make Scallion Pancakes (Green Onion Cakes) :


Start by placing the flour in a large bowl. Pour in boiling water and mix with a wooden spatula until the mixture becomes thick and somewhat dry. Let it cool for a few minutes. Add cold water and knead the dough for about 5 minutes until it turns smooth. Adjust with more flour if too sticky; the dough should be pliable, smooth, and slightly tacky, similar to play-dough.


Cover the dough with cling wrap and let it rest at room temperature for 1 hour.


Transfer the rested dough onto a floured surface. Divide it into 6 equal pieces and roll each piece into a 10-inch round. Spread approximately 1 tablespoon of butter on each round. Evenly sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of table salt and about 1 tablespoon of green onions on each round.


Roll each round tightly into a jelly roll, then coil it from one end to the other to form a wheel, securing the ends tightly. Let the buns rest, covered, for 15 minutes.


On a floured surface, gently press each bun down with the swirl side up, and roll it out into a 1/4 inch thick pancake. Some butter may seep out during rolling.


Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large nonstick pan over medium-low heat. Once the oil is hot, carefully place one pancake into the pan and fry until crispy and browned, shaking the pan occasionally. Flip and fry the other side similarly. Repeat with the remaining pancakes.


Keep the pancakes warm on a paper towel-lined baking sheet in a slightly warm oven until all are prepared.


Cut the pancakes into wedges and serve immediately.