Category - Asian Cuisine

Asian Cuisine

Starfish Curry Recipe – Asian Special

Starfish Curry Recipe – Asian SpecialStarfish curry is a unique and exotic dish that isn’t widely found in mainstream cuisines. It is considered a delicacy in certain regions, especially in coastal areas of Asia...

Asian Cuisine

Mixed Fish Bowl Recipe – Asian Special

Mixed Fish Bowl Recipe – Asian SpecialA mixed fish bowl is a delightful and healthy dish featuring a variety of seafood, typically served over rice or salad greens. It’s a vibrant and nutritious meal that showcases...

Asian Cuisine

salmon bowl Recipe – Asian Special

salmon bowl Recipe – Asian SpecialA salmon bowl is a nutritious and flavorful dish featuring pan-seared or grilled salmon served over a bed of grains, vegetables, and a variety of toppings. It’s a popular choice for a...

Asian Cuisine

Edamame Recipe – Asian Special

Edamame Recipe – Asian SpecialEdamame are young, tender soybeans that are typically harvested before they fully ripen. They are popular in Asian cuisine and make for a nutritious and delicious snack or side dish.Prep Time5...

Asian Cuisine

Pufferfish Curry Recipe – Asian Special

Pufferfish Curry Recipe – Asian SpecialPufferfish curry is a flavorful and aromatic dish made with tender blowfish pieces simmered in a rich coconut milk-based curry. The spices impart a warm and comforting flavor profile...